It May Be Time To Update Your Business Logo

Corporate branding can be worth its weight in gold and certain images are absolutely iconic.  The Golden Arches, the Nike “swoosh,” and Apple’s Apple all come to mind. Logo images give companies the means of offering a consistent brand image over...

Researchers Find New CPU Security Vulnerability

Remember the Heartbleed scare we had a couple years back?  It was a nasty side-channel attack that was somewhat exotic and difficult to pull off, and it was absolutely devastating and sent shockwaves through the entire world. Well, it’s back. In a way. While...

Edge Will Replace Internet Explorer After It Is Gone

It may seem as though Internet Explorer is the browser that will not die, but according to Microsoft, it is now a step closer to breathing its last virtual breath. Microsoft has struggled in the browser wars for the entire existence of the internet. They came late to...

New Panchan Botnet Targets Linux Servers

If you’re involved with IT Security at any level and if your network includes Linux servers, keep a watchful eye out for the new Panchan botnet. It first appeared in the wilds on March of this year (2022) and its main focus seems to be targeting Linux servers in...