Trickbot Malware Went Into Hiding And Now It’s Back

For more than five months, the internet breathed a collective sigh of relief as one of the most notorious strains of malware, Emotet, went dark and ceased all activity. It was as though the hackers in control of the code had simply pulled the plug. All good things,...

Remote Workers Are Getting Hit By Ransomware

According to the 2020 Vulnerability and Treat Trends Report, the number of new samples of ransomware increased by a staggering 72 percent during the first half of this year. Hackers around the world have come to increasingly view it as their go-to attack option. As...

Covid-19 Researchers Come Under Attack By Hackers

A number of prominent hacking groups made a gentleman’s agreement with research labs that are attempting to develop a vaccine for the deadly COVID-19 virus currently ravaging the planet. The agreement was promising that no attacks against research facilities...