Google Calendar Search Bar Moved For Easier Use

Google calendar is one of the most efficient products that Google made. Although, not as popular as other Google products, users who use it testify that it has made them more productive. In keeping to time, setting appointments, and meeting up to schedules, Google...

Even Big Companies Like Nissan Get Hacked

Even the largest companies in the world can’t claim immunity to hacking, data breaches and momentary lapses in judgment. Nissan is a classic case in point. Recently, due to a careless oversight, default admin credentials were left in place on part of the...

Adobe Flash Is Done And Flash Content Is Being Blocked

Adobe has finally done it, as promised. For more than a year, the company has been slow-walking their iconic Adobe Flash Player to its eventual doom. As of December 31st, 2020, Adobe stopped providing support for the product. Not long after, beginning on January 12th,...